Young tiger Jr NTR’s under shoot film titled "Dammu" shooting is presently progressing at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. Now the heroine for this film has become interseting news, initially Sruthi Haasan has been roped for the main female lead role in the film but recently she walked out of the project. After that, film makers of Dammu approached Kajal Agarwal and she agreed to act in it. But it is learnt that both producer K S Ramarao and director Boyapati Srinu are annoyed with the attitude of Kajal’s manager, so they immediately approached Trisha and she agreed to act with Jr NTR in Dammu. The film makers are also given the advance amount to Trisha. Now, interesting news is that Trisha is going to join the shooting of the Dammu film from tomorrow in Hyderabad. Josh and Rangam fame heroine Karthika has been finalized for the second female lead role in Dammu
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